1. 图片加载JS
新增以下内容,并按照注释配置自己的图片,可以是图片直链也可以是本地路径。这里可以获取 随机二次元背景图 。需要注意的是,在本地部署可能首页背景图不能显示,远程部署就可以解决了。
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if (!window.ProgressiveLoad) {
class ProgressiveLoad { constructor(smallSrc, largeSrc) { this.smallSrc = smallSrc; this.largeSrc = largeSrc; this.initScrollListener(), this.initTpl(); } initScrollListener() { window.addEventListener("scroll", (()=>{ var e = Math.min(window.scrollY / window.innerHeight, 0.7); this.container.style.setProperty("--process", e) } )) }
initTpl() { this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.smallStage = document.createElement('div'); this.largeStage = document.createElement('div'); this.video = document.createElement('div'); this.smallImg = new Image(); this.largeImg = new Image(); this.container.className = 'pl-container'; this.container.style.setProperty("--process", 0), this.smallStage.className = 'pl-img pl-blur'; this.largeStage.className = 'pl-img'; this.video.className = 'pl-video'; this.container.appendChild(this.smallStage); this.container.appendChild(this.largeStage); this.container.appendChild(this.video); this.smallImg.onload = this._onSmallLoaded.bind(this); this.largeImg.onload = this._onLargeLoaded.bind(this); }
progressiveLoad() { this.smallImg.src = this.smallSrc; this.largeImg.src = this.largeSrc; }
_onLargeLoaded() { this.largeStage.classList.add('pl-visible'); this.largeStage.style.backgroundImage = `url('${this.largeSrc}')`; }
_onSmallLoaded() { this.smallStage.classList.add('pl-visible'); this.smallStage.style.backgroundImage = `url('${this.smallSrc}')`; } }
const executeLoad = (config, target) => { const isMobile = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 767px)').matches; const loader = new ProgressiveLoad( isMobile ? config.mobileSmallSrc : config.smallSrc, isMobile ? config.mobileLargeSrc : config.largeSrc ); if (target.children[0]) { target.insertBefore(loader.container, target.children[0]); } loader.progressiveLoad(); };
const config = { smallSrc: 'https://www.loliapi.com/acg/', largeSrc: 'https://www.loliapi.com/acg/', mobileSmallSrc: 'https://www.loliapi.com/acg/', mobileLargeSrc: 'https://www.loliapi.com/acg/', enableRoutes: ['/'], };
function initProgressiveLoad(config) { const container = document.querySelector('.pl-container'); if (container) { container.remove(); } const target = document.getElementById('page-header'); if (target && target.classList.contains('full_page')) { executeLoad(config, target); } }
function onPJAXComplete(config) { const target = document.getElementById('page-header'); if (target && target.classList.contains('full_page')) { initProgressiveLoad(config); } }
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { initProgressiveLoad(config); });
document.addEventListener("pjax:complete", function() { onPJAXComplete(config); });
2. 新建样式文件
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| .pl-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; overflow: hidden; will-change: transform; animation: blur-to-clear 2s cubic-bezier(.62, .21, .25, 1) 0s 1 normal backwards running, scale 1.5s cubic-bezier(.62, .21, .25, 1) 0s 1 both; }
.pl-img { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; background-position: center; background-size: cover; background-repeat: no-repeat; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 1s; }
@keyframes blur-to-clear { 0% { filter: blur(50px); opacity: 1; }
100% { filter: blur(0); opacity: 1; } }
@keyframes scale { 0% { transform: scale(1.5) translateZ(0); opacity: 0; }
to { transform: scale(1) translateZ(0); opacity: 1; } }
.pl-visible { opacity: 1; }
.pl-blur { filter: blur(50px); }
3. 引入JS和CSS
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| inject: head: + - <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/imgloaded.css?1">
bottom: + - <script async data-pjax src="/js/imgloaded.js?1"></script> # 首页图片渐进式加载
4. 配置顶图
| index_img: "background: url() top / cover no-repeat"
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| const config = { smallSrc: '/img/xiaotu.jpg', largeSrc: '/img/tu.jpg', mobileSmallSrc: '/img/sjxt.jpg', mobileLargeSrc: '/img/sjdt.jpg', enableRoutes: ['/'], };
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| lazyload: enable: true field: post placeholder: blur: true progressive: true
- 首页图下方的有个奇怪的边界的情况(还有一图流的时候,自行设计渐变)
- 如果大图的下边界有不透明度变化,模糊小图,小图会超出不透明度范围,露出小图
- 如果开了夜间模式,是因为由夜间模式的阅读模式叠加一层0.3的alpha,具体是
文件里的background-color: alpha($dark-black, 0.3)
,改为1 2 3 4 5 6
| background-image: linear-gradient( to bottom, rgba($dark-black, 0.1) 0%, rgba($dark-black, 0) 75%, rgba($dark-black, 0) 100% );
这里我选择直接将背景图挂载到 #web_bg 元素下,直接当做背景,这样可以实现所有页面都加载首页背景图。
此步骤是因为JS文件中挂载元素会先检查有无full_page属性,所以需要先将header元素加上full_page属性。你也可以选择去除属性检查,直接挂载到 #web_bg 元素下,忽略此步骤。
1 2 3
| #web_bg + header#web-header(class="full_page") #an_music_bg
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| body[style*="--animate: true"] #nav, body[style*="--animate: true"] #scroll-down, body[style*="--animate: true"] #site-info { -webkit-animation: scale 2.2s cubic-bezier(.6, .1, .25, 1) .5s 1 backwards; animation: scale 2.2s cubic-bezier(.6, .1, .25, 1) .5s 1 backwards }
@media screen and (max-width: 768px) { .pl-container { top: 0; } }
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
#page-header.full_page, #web-header.full_page, .pl-container { height: 100vh }
#page-header.full_page.expand-to-full, #web-header.full_page.expand-to-full, .pl-container.expand-to-full { height: 50vh !important }
.pl-container { will-change: opacity, transform, filter; opacity: calc(1 - var(--process) * 1) !important; transform: scale(calc(1 + var(--process) * .1)); filter: blur(calc(var(--process) * 10px)); } }
.pl-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; left: 0; position: fixed; z-index: -2; overflow: hidden; }
body[style*="--animate: true"] .pl-container { will-change: transform; animation: blur-to-clear 2.5s cubic-bezier(.6, .25, .25, 1) 0s 1 backwards, scale 2.2s cubic-bezier(.6, .1, .25, 1) .5s 1 backwards; }
[data-theme=dark] .pl-container { filter: brightness(0.6) }
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function getRandomImage(platform) { const num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 300) + 100; if (platform === 'pc') { return `https://img.loliapi.com/i/pc/img${num}.webp`; } else if (platform === 'pe') { return `https://img.loliapi.com/i/pe/img${num}.webp`; } }
if (typeof initLargeSrc === 'undefined') { initLargeSrc = getRandomImage('pc'); } if (typeof initSmallSrc === 'undefined') { initSmallSrc = getRandomImage('pe'); }
if (!window.ProgressiveLoad) { class ProgressiveLoad { constructor(smallSrc, largeSrc) { this.smallSrc = smallSrc; this.largeSrc = largeSrc; this.initTpl(); this.initScrollListener(); } initScrollListener() { const header = document.getElementById('page-header'); if (header && header.classList.contains('full_page')) { document.body.style.setProperty('--animate', 'true'); window.addEventListener("scroll", (()=>{ var e = Math.min(window.scrollY / window.innerHeight, 0.7); this.container.style.setProperty("--process", e) } )) } else { this.container.style.setProperty("--process", 0.7) } }
initTpl() { this.container = document.createElement('div'); this.smallStage = document.createElement('div'); this.largeStage = document.createElement('div'); this.video = document.createElement('div'); this.smallImg = new Image(); this.largeImg = new Image(); this.container.className = 'pl-container'; this.container.style.setProperty("--process", 0), this.smallStage.className = 'pl-img pl-blur'; this.largeStage.className = 'pl-img'; this.video.className = 'pl-video'; this.container.appendChild(this.smallStage); this.container.appendChild(this.largeStage); this.container.appendChild(this.video); this.smallImg.onload = this._onSmallLoaded.bind(this); this.largeImg.onload = this._onLargeLoaded.bind(this); }
progressiveLoad() { this.smallImg.src = this.smallSrc; this.largeImg.src = this.largeSrc; }
_onLargeLoaded() { this.largeStage.classList.add('pl-visible'); this.largeStage.style.backgroundImage = `url('${this.largeSrc}')`; }
_onSmallLoaded() { this.smallStage.classList.add('pl-visible'); this.smallStage.style.backgroundImage = `url('${this.smallSrc}')`; } }
const executeLoad = (config, target) => { console.log('执行渐进背景替换'); const isMobile = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 767px)').matches; const loader = new ProgressiveLoad( isMobile ? config.mobileSmallSrc : config.smallSrc, isMobile ? config.mobileLargeSrc : config.largeSrc ); if (target.children.length > 0) { target.insertBefore(loader.container, target.children[0]); } else { target.appendChild(loader.container); } loader.progressiveLoad(); };
const config = { smallSrc: initLargeSrc, largeSrc: initLargeSrc, mobileSmallSrc: initSmallSrc, mobileLargeSrc: initSmallSrc, enableRoutes: ['/'], };
function initProgressiveLoad(config) { const container = document.querySelector('.pl-container'); if (container) { container.remove(); } const target = document.getElementById('web-header'); if (target && target.classList.contains('full_page')) { executeLoad(config, target); } }
function onPJAXComplete(config) { const target = document.getElementById('web-header'); if (target && target.classList.contains('full_page')) { initProgressiveLoad(config); } }
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { initProgressiveLoad(config); });
document.addEventListener("pjax:complete", function() { initProgressiveLoad(config); });
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| #web_bg { position: fixed; transform: rotate(0deg); top: 0; left: 0; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; z-index: -2; }