1. 修改文件
修改 [Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\layout\includes\pagination.pug
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| if is_post() - let prev = theme.post_pagination - let next = theme.post_pagination nav#pagination.pagination-post if(prev) - var hasPageNext = next ? 'pull-left' : 'pull-full' .prev-post(class=hasPageNext) - var pagination_cover = prev.cover - a(href=url_for(prev.path)) + a(href=url_for(prev.path) title=prev.title ) + i.fas.fa-chevron-left.prev-icon + .prev-label=_p('pagination.prev') + .pagination-card img.prev-cover(src=url_for(pagination_cover) onerror=`onerror=null;src='${url_for (theme.error_img.post_page)}'` alt='cover of previous post') .pagination-info .label=_p('pagination.prev') .prev_info=prev.title
if(next) - var hasPagePrev = prev ? 'pull-right' : 'pull-full' - var pagination_cover = next.cover == false ? next.randomcover : next.cover .next-post(class=hasPagePrev) - a(href=url_for(next.path)) + a(href=url_for(next.path) title=next.title ) + i.fas.fa-chevron-right.next-icon + .next-label=_p('pagination.next') + .pagination-card img.next-cover(src=url_for(pagination_cover) onerror=`onerror=null;src='${url_for (theme.error_img.post_page)}'` alt='cover of next post') .pagination-info .label=_p('pagination.next') .next_info=next.title
2. 新建文件
新建 [Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\source\css\_layout\fixed-pagination.styl
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| #pagination .prev-post a, .next-post a z-index 99 display flex!important overflow hidden height 150px position fixed!important top 45% background rgba(0,0,0,0.6) width 65px font-size 65px align-content space-around color white border-radius 10px align-items center justify-content space-around
.prev-post .prev-label, .next-post .next-label display none .prev-post a left 45px .next-post a right 45px
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) #pagination .pagination-card z-index 99 display none position fixed top 0 left 0 right 0 bottom 0 margin auto height 150px width 400px background rgba(66 , 66, 66, 0.9) img z-index 100 position absolute width 120px!important height 120px!important top 15px!important opacity 0.9!important border-radius 50% .pagination-info position absolute padding 0 0 0!important top 0px width calc( 100% - 150px ) height 200px display flex flex-direction column transform unset!important .prev_info, .next_info width 100% height 75px display flex flex-direction column align-items center justify-content space-around .label width 100% height 75px display flex flex-direction column align-items center justify-content space-around &::before content "" width 90% height 2px top 40% background white position absolute .prev-post .pagination-card flex-direction column align-items center border-top-left-radius 75px border-top-right-radius 10px border-bottom-left-radius 75px border-bottom-right-radius 10px img left 15px!important .pagination-info left 150px
.next-post .pagination-card flex-direction column align-items center border-top-left-radius 10px border-top-right-radius 75px border-bottom-left-radius 10px border-bottom-right-radius 75px img right 15px!important .pagination-info right 150px
// 手机端样式 @media screen and (max-width: 768px) #pagination .prev-post a height 45px !important width 100px top 35% font-size 20px border-radius 10px padding 5px left 0px border-top-left-radius 0px border-top-right-radius 22.5px border-bottom-left-radius 0px border-bottom-right-radius 22.5px i &::before content "\f101" .prev-label display inline-block font-size 20px float left margin-right 5px
.next-post a height 45px !important width 100px top 35% font-size 20px border-radius 10px padding 5px right 0px border-top-left-radius 22.5px border-top-right-radius 0px border-bottom-left-radius 22.5px border-bottom-right-radius 0px i &::before content "\f100" .next-label display inline-block font-size 20px float right margin-left 5px .pagination-card z-index 99 display none position fixed top 0 left 0 right 0 bottom 0 margin auto height 300px width 90px background rgba(66 , 66, 66, 0.9) flex-direction column align-items center border-radius 10px border-top-left-radius 45px border-top-right-radius 45px border-bottom-left-radius 10px border-bottom-right-radius 10px img z-index 100 position absolute width 70px!important height 70px!important top 10px!important opacity 0.9!important border-radius 50% .pagination-info position absolute padding 0 0 0!important top 90px width 100% height 200px display flex flex-direction row justify-content flex-end transform unset!important .prev_info, .next_info width 60%!important height 200px display block writing-mode vertical-rl text-align center .label width 40% writing-mode vertical-rl text-align start &::before content "" width 2px height 180px background white position absolute // 夜间模式配色 [data-theme="dark"] #pagination .prev-post a, .next-post a background rgba(255,255,255,0.3) color rgba(20, 20, 20,0.8) // 悬停显示卡片动作 #pagination .prev-post, .next-post a &:hover & + .pagination-card display flex
新建 [Blogroot]\themes\butterfly\source\js\fixed-pagination.js
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| document.addEventListener('scroll',function(){
var visibleBottom = window.scrollY + document.documentElement.clientHeight; var visibleTop = window.scrollY; var pagination = document.getElementById('pagination'); var eventlistner = document.getElementById('post-comment'); if (eventlistner&&pagination){ var centerY = eventlistner.offsetTop+(eventlistner.offsetHeight/2); if(centerY>visibleTop&¢erY<visibleBottom){ pagination.style.display = 'flex'; }else{ pagination.style.display = 'none'; } } })
3. 引入样式
在 [Blogroot]\_config.butterfly.yml
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| inject: head: bottom: + - <script src="/js/fixed-pagination.js" async></script>